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We’re back in the pool!

Great news that swimming will resume as from Wednesday 2nd December. As the health and safety of everyone involved remains our priority, restrictions and procedures continue to be in place at all pools. Please remind your swimmer to comply including…

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Help us raise funds while you do your Christmas Shopping!

Please remember to use easy fundraising when you do your Christmas shopping this year. There are over 4,000 shops and sites who will donate to Darlington ASC for FREE when you use easyfundraising to shop with them. This means you…

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New Training timetable

Return to pool guidance and procedures for each pool venue Please click on the venues below to read the guidance & procedures swimmers must follow when attending these premises during this Covid period.

Harriet Rogers is selected again for Swim England National Event Camp

Many congratulations to Harriet Rogers on being selected for a second year to take part in Swim England’s National Event Camp. Harriet is one of just 90 English swimmers aged 15 or 16 to be selected at this level. All…

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Darlington Swimmers are selected for Swim England Development Programme

Congratulations to Laura Burgess, Ruby Diment & Alex Boyer of Top Squad on being selected for Swim England’s National Development Programme They are amongst 276 swimmers of age 13/14 from all over the country invited to join a learning and engagement…

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Returning to the Pool

Before arriving for your first session back in the pool take a look at the below video showing you what to expect. We look forward to seeing you on poolside soon! With thanks to R.Douglas Reeves for the video.

Help Support Swim England #OpenOurPools campaign

Following the Prime Ministers briefing yesterday you will now know that the re-opening of pools has not been given a date. Chief Executive Jane Nickerson from Swim England is encouraging its members to join the campaign to get our pools…

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SE Issue Return to Pool Guidance

The link above will take you to the guidance that has been given by Swim England to help with the re-opening of pools. These are evolving documents and are regularly updated and include a FAQ section. DASC is working hard…

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DASC Lockdown Quiz Night

A big thank you to Rob Douglas-Reeves who did a great job of preparing, organising and comparing the DASC Lockdown Quiz on Friday 17th April. Over 20 teams entered and battled it out over 6 exciting rounds. By all accounts…

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