DASC Club Shop
The majority of DASC clothing is now available through mysportswear, so if you are after a T-shirts or Hoodies head off to the My Sportswear Page. We will however continue to sell the below items from the Club Desk on most Tuesdays from 6.00-7.00pm. Items include DASC T-bag T-shirts, swimcaps and Sprint Award badges.
You will see below a list of what is available for sale and associated costs. As we now no longer accept cash/cheques you will be given a receipt at point of purchase and costs will be allocated to your monthly direct debit.
Sprint Award Scheme for Younger Swimmers
For many newcomers to the club you may not be aware that DASC runs an award scheme to encourage young or inexperienced swimmers by providing them with targets to aim at and achieve. Our scheme sets target times for all four strokes and Individual Medley at three different levels – bronze, silver and gold. If your swimmer achieves any of the times in a gala (either a club gala or an external gala), then they can buy a sprint award badge. Many swimmers choose to have the badges sewn on to the back of their T-bag T-shirts as can be seen above.
Gala results are generally posted on our club website at https://www.darlingtonasc.co.uk/category/results/ so check if your swimmer has achieved a target time in any recent galas.